Conferences and Workshops 2014

October 10th & 11th, 2014
Gender in der Medizin-, Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte
Erster Workshop in der Reihe "Junge Perspektiven" der DGGMNT.
DGGMNT und Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Bergische Universität Wuppertal (BUW), Campus Grifflenberg (Gaußstr. 20, 42119 Wuppertal), Gebäude K.12.16
Prof. Heike Weber, Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung (IZWT), BUW
All further information, particularly for participation, could be found in the adjacent announcement!

September 29th & 30th, 2014
Workshop "Berufungspraxis im Nationalsozialismus"
Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Raum B.06.01
Prof. Dr. Volker Remmert, Philipp Kranz
All further information could be found in the adjacent program!

September 25th & 26th, 2014
Farbe als Experiment
Forschende Strategien in Handwerk, Design, Kunst und Wissenschaft
International conference
All further informationen can be found in the adjacent flyer or on the homepage of the conference:


July 2-3, 2014, Conference Room B.06.01
Art and Science in the Early Modern Period
Speakers and Guests:
Simone Kaiser (Darmstadt)
Karin Leonhard (Bonn)
José Ramón Marcaida (Bilbao)
Jennifer Rabe (Bern)
Marrigje Rikken (Leiden)
Irina Schmiedel (Wuppertal)
Lisbet Tarp (Aarhus)
Laura Søvsø Thomasen (Aarhus)
Matteo Valleriani (Berlin)
Volker Remmert, Irina Schmiedel
Sponsored by: Prorektorat für Forschung, Gleichstellungsbüro
2nd Spring School in Particle Physics and Philosophy
March 26-April 4, 2014 in Wuppertal, Germany
The Interdisciplinary Center for Science and Technology Studies (IZWT) at the University of Wuppertal invites applications for participation at the 2nd International Spring School on Particle Physics and Philosophy. The aim of this school is to train the next generation of researchers from physics, philosophy and history of science in subjects which are at the intersection of the three disciplines. Lectures and discussion sessions will be given by world-renowned scientists and scholars of these three fields, and will be held in English.
The spring school will start on March 26th, 2014, and end on April 4th, 2014. It will take place at the CVJM-Bildungsstaette Bundeshoehe. The venue is an educational institution in Wuppertal which, apart from excellent infrastructure for the lectures and discussion sessions, also offers numerous recreational activities (gym, hiking trails, etc.)
We invite students at the master and doctoral level, as well as post-docs from physics, philosophy, and history of science to apply for participation. In order to attain a fruitful atmosphere at the school, the number of participants is limited to 30, evenly distributed among the three fields.
The program of the school comprises lectures, topical talks, and working groups. In addition, the students will have the opportunity to present their own research in dedicated sessions. If you wish to do so, please indicate this in your application. The fee for the school is 300 Euro, which includes full board and lodging. We will be able to provide limited financial support upon application.
Please send your application, including a CV, a letter of motivation as well as a recommendation letter in electronic form to
or by regular mail to
Karoline Steinert
Interdisciplinary Centre for Science and Technology Studies (IZWT)
Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal,
Gaussstrasse 20
42119 Wuppertal
Please also indicate two options for working groups at which you would like to participate. The list of working groups can be found here:
Deadline for applications is DECEMBER 15, 2013. For further details, see
Please circulate this message as widely as possible; we are looking forward to hearing from you, and to a truely interdisciplinary exchange at the intersection of physics, philosophy and history of science!
The organisational team,
Robert Harlander,
Dennis Lehmkuhl,
Gregor Schiemann

May 23th, 2014, 2-6 pm:
"Second Workshop on the History of Modern Mathematics"
Mit Vorträgen von Moritz Epple (Frankfurt a.M.), Jesper Lützen (Kopenhagen) und David Rowe (Mainz)