Forschungsverbund "Epistemologie des LHC"
Interdisziplinäres Projekt Physik/Geschichte/Philosophie: Robert Harlander (Physik, Aachen), Peter Mättig (Physik, Bonn), Gregor Schiemann (Philosophie, Wuppertal), Erhard Scholz (Mathematikgeschichte, Wuppertal), Friedrich Steinle (Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte, Berlin), Michael Stöltzner (Wissenschaftstheorie, South Carolina, USA), Christian Zeitnitz (Physik, Wuppertal)
The Research Unit builds on today's physicists' expectations of a fundamental change in the theoretical foundations of physics. It asks about the deeper reasons behind these expectations and links them to the complex conditions of physical research, in order to inquire whether these expectations are substantiated. It regards the complexity of these conditions as a challenge for the quest towards ever more encompassing and simpler descriptions of nature. The Research Unit studies these new epistemic conditions, using as its principal case study the LHC at CERN.
See also