History of Mathematics Wuppertal: Book presentations

Prof. Dr. Thomas Morel, Prof. Dr. Volker Remmert and Prof. Dr. Ralf Krömer present their newest books.
Cordial invitation to the presentation of the newest books. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
BOOK PRESENTATIONS Thomas Morel: Underground Mathematics: Craft Culture and Knowledge Production in Early Modern Europe, Cambridge University Press, 2023. Jeanne Peiffer und Volker Remmert (Hg.): A Cultural History of Mathematics in the Early Modern Age, Band 3 der 6-bändigen Bloomsbury Cultural History of Mathematics, hgg. von Joe Dauben/David E. Rowe, London et al., 2024. Ralf Krömer und Emmylou Haffner (Hg.): Duality in 19th and 20th century mathematical thinking. Science Network Historical Studies 63, Birkhäuser, 2024. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Musical accompaniment: Duo Birgit Heydel – Claus Schmidt (violin/guitar) Afterwards: standing reception and fingerfood for better planning we appreciate advance registration until November 11, 2024 with christ[at]uni-wuppertal.de ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |