Conferences and Workshops 2013

September 11th to 13th 2013, International Conference:

Die Facetten der Philosophiegeschichtsschreibung im 19. Jahrhundert
(Gerald Hartung)


Location of event:
Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Campus Grifflenberg
Building: K
Room: Senatssaal (K.11.07)

Philosophisches Seminar
Valentin Pluder
E-Mail: pluder[at]
Ines Bräuniger
E-Mail: braeuniger[at]
Telefon: (0049/202) 439-3927

August 28th to 30th 2013:

Inventing science:
Iconography on Scientific Instruments in the Early Modern Period

(Arianna Borrelli, Volker Remmert)

Updated programme

June 12/13, 2013, Neuer Senatssaal (K.11.07):

Teaching and Publishing Mathematics and Science in the Society of Jesus in Early Modern Europe


Invited Speakers:

Michael Elazar (Tel Aviv)
Rivka Feldhay (Tel Aviv)
Susan Klaiber (Winterthur)
Henrique Leitão (Lisbon)
Juan Navarro-Loidi (San Sebastián)
Geert Vanpaemel (Leuven)


March 20th - 22th 2013:

Historiography of Mathematics in the 19th and 20th Centuries
(Volker Remmert, Martina Schneider (Mainz), Henrik Kragh Sørensen (Aarhus))




Direction on Campus to the IZWT

Map of Campus Grifflenberg

March 13th 2013:

3. Doktorandenkolloquium zur Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte

All information can be found here.

March 7th to 9th 2013:

"The Epistemology of Data Selection and Analysis Procedures in Physics"

All information can be found here.