Tagungen und Workshops 2012
07.-09. November 2012:
"Novembertagung zur Geschichte der Mathematik 2012: Reading and Writing the History of Mathematics"
Philipp Kranz, Dagmar Mrozik, Desirée Kröger und Alfredo Ramirez
4. Oktober 2012:
Transcending Tradition
Jewish Mathematicians in German-Speaking Academic Culture
Transcending Tradition presents the life and work of Jewish mathematicians in Germany. Spanning a period of 150 years, it documents their emergence from segregation into the academic limelight, recalls their emigration, flight, or death after 1933, and illuminates their lasting legacies.
Produced by the History of Science Working Group at Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, the exhibition highlights the key role of Jewish mathematicians in German-speaking academic culture before 1933—in teaching and academic research, professional organizations, and throughout mathematical culture.
19.-21. September 2012:
Welche Natur wollen wir?
Gemeinsame Interdiziplinäre Konferenz mit der Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen Studiengemeinschaft (FEST), Heidelberg.
Prof. Dr. Gerald Hartung (BUW), Dr. Thomas Kirchhoff (FEST)
Alle weiteren Informationen finden Sie hier.
Flyer (mit Programm) der Konferenz
17.-19. September 2012:
Gemeinsame internationale Tagung "Wissen und Gärten" des IZWT mit dem CGL Hannover (Zentrum für Gartenkunst und Landschaftsarchitektur).
Broschüre der Tagung
13.-15. September 2012, Berlin:
Berlin Conference on Intellectual and Institutional Innovation in Science
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
We cordially invite you to "Berlin Conference on Intellectual and Institutional Innovation in Science". The conference seeks to improve our understanding of science as an institution in advanced political economies and in global culture. While commentators agree that the governance of research has undergone substantial change, many fundamental questions implied in this transformation await systematic treatment. This conference addresses some of these questions with regard to intellectual and institutional innovation in science. First, the conference explores the capability of research organizations and research systems to produce original and transformative intellectual contributions, such as new theories, methods, instrumentation or empirical discoveries. We invite papers that discuss factors and mechanisms at the level of research organizations and the wider institutional environment that enable scientists and research groups to accomplish ground-breaking results. The second theme addresses the capability of research organizations and research systems to take up new intellectual developments and to institutionalize new fields of research.
The Berlin Conference features internationally leading scholars from fields like history of science, sociology of science, research policy, and economicshtt/ of science. Speakers include David Baneke (Leiden), Eva Barlösius (Hannover), Silke Beck (Leipzig), Mats Benner (Lund), Ronald Doel (Florida State), Lars Engvall (Uppsala), James Evans (Chicago), Irwin Feller (AAAS), Jochen Gläser (Berlin), Edward Hackett (Arizona State), Olof Hallonsten (Gothenburg), Grit Laudel (Twente), Roger Launius (NASA), Jacques Mairesse (Paris), James Mody (Rice), Frank van der Most (Amsterdam), Dietrich Nelle (Keynote, Geman Ministry of Research and Education), Julien Pénin (Strasbourg), Thomas Pfister (Zeppelin), Marc Rothenburg (NSF), Roger Stuewer (Minneapolis) and Richard Whitley (Manchester).
The conference location will be the Einstein-Saal at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jägerstraße 22/23, D-10117 Berlin, Germany (more details at http://veranstaltungszentrum.bbaw.de).
Registration is possible until the 31st of August via e-mail: drewe[at]uni-wuppertal.de. All Participants must pay a registration fee of 125 EUR (including conference material, all coffee breaks, two lunches and the reception on Thursday). Please note that accommodation and the Dinner on Friday are not included in the conference fee. The Registration fee, without any charge to beneficiary, should be paid by bank transfer to:
Beneficiary Name: Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Account No.: 185066
Bank Code: 33050000
Swift Code: WUPSDE33
IBAN Code: DE86330500000000185066
Reference: G0732901B
For further information please visit our website: http://www.fbg.uni-wuppertal.de/faecher/soziologie/soz_orga/heinze/InternationalConference/
Conference Organizers: Thomas Heinze, University of Wuppertal and Richard Münch, University of Bamberg
Conference Sponsor: German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)
Flyer zur Tagung (PDF)
02.-05. September 2012:
Gemeinsame internationale Tagung "Tintenfaß und Teleskop. Galileo Galilei im Schnittpunkt wissenschaftlicher, literarischer und visueller Kulturen im europäischen 17. Jahrhundert" von Andrea Albrecht (Freiburg), Giovanna Cordibella (Bern) und Volker Remmert in der Villa Vigoni.

Freitag, 29. Juni 2012, 15-19 Uhr:
"Workshop on the History of Modern Mathematics"
Mit Vorträgen von Jeremy Gray und Christophe Eckes

01.-02. Juni 2012, Alter Senatssaal (P.08.14):
"Wilhelm II. - Archäologie und Politik"
Veranstalter und Ansprechpartner:
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sabine Mangold-Will (Neuere und Neueste Geschichte),
Thorsten Beigel (Alte Geschichte)

Mi, 16. Mai 2012, 17 Uhr c.t., Alter Senatssaal (P.08.14)
Grifflenberger Gespräche:
Das "Rätsel der einsamen Hand". Ist das Problem der "inkongruenten Gegenstücke" gelöst?
Dienstag, 14. Februar 2012, S.10.15
Doktorandenkolloquium Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte
Alle Informationen finden Sie hier.
03. Februar 2012:
"3. Rheinisch-Westfälisch Seminar"
Mechthild Köhler (AG Didaktik der Mathematik, BUW):
26.-28. Januar 2012:
"Modelling at the LHC", Simon Friedrich: